Juice up your brand

So here’s a concept: Let’s create an all natural healthy beverage for the on the go consumer that is packed with vitamins and a serving of vegetables.

Its called V8 and they thought of it in 1933!

Invented by W.G. Peacock, the original V8 is made mainly from tomatoes and the juices from seven other vegetables: Beets, celery, carrots, lettuce, parsley, watercress and spinach. Originally called "Vege-min 8." a grocer in Evanston, Ill., recommended he shorten the name to simply "V8." The product became a household name in the 1970s, when TV spots ran with the catchy tagline "I could have had a V8!". The problem was when you picture a V8 drinker you think of a 80 year old. That’s the point when a brand has to evolve or die off as their customers do.
Their plan was tap into the purchase power of the modern health conscious consumer, without losing their identity. The breakthrough was V-Fusion, a fruit + veggie blend that appealed to the tastes of the premium juice market. The equity in the V8 brand gives proof of the new product’s healthfulness and is packaged in an on-the-go bottle with vibrant colors. V-Fusion’s sales have been so successful supply has had trouble keeping up with demand.

Being healthy never goes out of style. And trusted brands will be winners in a competitive environment like the grocery store shelves. V8 is a great example of a brand taking its legacy and rolling it into a contemporary product to meet a demand in the marketplace.

1 comment:

Ian Jensen said...

I'll keep posting if you keep reading.